Bofuri 11 continues the merriment as Maple continues with her weird solutions to challenges and inspires the others in her guild to new oddball heights.
Bofuri, I Don’t Want to Get Hurt, so I’ll Max Out My Defense 11 makes reading about gameplay and strategies fun. Besides Maple, Sally, and the return of other allies/rivals, this volume gives attention to Mai and Yui as the ninth event begins. Most of the series readers and fans of Maple Tree in NWO (New World Online) wait excitedly for what weird additions Maple and company acquire. Bofuri 11 is a slice-of-gamer-life that never tires, thanks to its characters and extreme builds.
Created by Yuumikan, illustrated by Koin, and translated by Andrew Cunningham, the volume begins by summarizing what occurred in the previous volume. The Yen Press light novel includes a prologue, eight chapters, and an epilogue. After a recap, it’s straight into the ninth event—a PvE (player versus environment) event. Maple Tree’s raring to go, with everyone strategizing how best to contribute.
Bofuri 11 Give Mai and Yui’s Build Attention
If Maple is the extreme defense build, a moving fortress, Mai and Yui are the extreme offensive build. The twins’ dual-wield hammers build focuses on one-shotting anything in their path. Regarding rival guilds, the series usually emphasizes Maple and Sally encountering them. But this go-around, Mai and Yui meet Velvet and Hinata during the ninth event. That pair, and Maple with Sally, complement each other. So, each makes up for what the other lacks.
Mai and Yui’s build are beat-for-beat identical. As they focus on damage, they have little HP (Health Points), meaning enemies can kill them with one hit. So, they join Velvet and Hinata to witness their teamwork and figure out what they should do as a duo. In true Maple fashion, they decide to continue in the extreme. Similar to Sally’s build that focuses on agility. And thanks to this, more tales of Maple Tree’s monstrous collective strength make the rounds. Bofuri 11 gives much-needed attention to other Maple Tree members, allowing readers into their thoughts and worries.
Hilarious Segue With Sally Facing Her Fears

Seeing the entire gang running around during the ninth event is fun. However, seeing Maple and Sally chat outside the virtual game world is a nice pause. Plus, anyone who’s read previous volumes—or seen the anime—knows Sally does not do well with scary things. So, during the sixth stratum, she felt useless. Now, during a dungeon with Maple for the event, she gets reminded of this. They opponents cycle through each stratum’s themes. So, this leads to Sally’s determination to face her fears by playing a horror game. It adds a personal, relatable, and comical layer to Bofuri 11, as many people cannot handle horror.
Bofuri 11 continues the merriment as Maple continues with her weird solutions to challenges and inspires the others in her guild to new oddball heights. What’s heartwarming is the camaraderie between guilds. Sure, during PvP, they are rivals, but they do not let it overshadow their fun, banding together as friends whenever possible. So, it’s easy to wish for a game similar to New World Online, where extreme builds are possible, and maybe even a friend like Maple. Thanks to the festive nature of the characters, games, and the detailed strategies in combat, Bofuri 11 keeps the momentum, building excitement at what the eighth stratum has in store for these unorthodox gamers.