I Got a Cheat Skill 5 Shows the Hero’s Darkness

I Got a Cheat Skill 5 cover of Yuuya with two friends behind him.

I Got a Cheat Skill 5 builds up Yuuya’s helplessness as he watches his friend and master, the Deity of Kicks, take a beating from someone who enjoys toying with others.

I Got a Cheat Skill 5, or by its lengthier title, I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too 5 finally brings Yuuya face-to-face with deadly challenges. Though the volume starts light, with plenty of hilarious and heartwarming moments thanks to Yuuya’s delightful pets. But it’s not all rainbows and unicorns in this volume, as a person is on a rampage, and demonic energy is pulling the strings behind the scenes. So, I Got a Cheat Skill 5 ratchets up the conflicts and gives Yuuya an opportunity for growth. 

Penned by Miku, illustrated by Rein Kuwashima, and translated by Evie Lund, the volume immediately sets up the looming threat in its prologue. Yuuya’s master, the Deity of Kicks, is not the only deity; someone is pulling a Kenpachi from Bleach. They are killing the other deities because they want to fight the toughest opponents out there. Rather than apprenticing with a deity to perhaps replace them when they die, he kills the deity and claims the title. This man unleashes a new side of Yuuya in the Yen Press light novel. However, it’s necessary given how flat heroes are in series. 

I Got a Cheat Skill 5 Continues Making Yuuya OP

Yuuya’s goodness often gets him into situations. However, it’s also what saves him. Yuuya has not acquired new skills or abilities in a while. The difficulty in I Got a Cheat Skill is maintaining interest. After all, if Yuuya’s victory is always a foregone conclusion. He’s always a good person, the conflict can only ever be mid. However, if it builds Yuuya’s character up and shows him teetering on the cusp of goodness, the series can add more tension. Still, even with the power-ups, other aspects of the series ensure its entertainment remains high, at least for now. That’s other people and his pets.

Adorable Pets Get to Shine

I Got a Cheat Skill 5 cover of Yuuya with two friends behind him.
I Got a Cheat Skill 5 cover. Courtesy of Yen Press.

Animal lovers and fans of cute things will love how Yuuya’s pets get to flex their abilities. Not to mention, Yuuya acquires a new pet in I Got a Cheat Skill 5 that’s more temperamental than his pint-sized pets, a wolf named Night and a pig named Akatsuki. Being a super-sized dragon existing for eons, slumbering and eating only to become someone’s tamed pet would dampen the dragon’s mood. Plus, Akatsuki gets to show off his abilities. The adorable pig is not battle-tested. However, he has healing talents that come in handy in this volume. 

A Taste of Darkness

It’s often believed that when someone good goes bad, their evil or propensity to violence goes to extremes. Yuuya might be in that camp. But it is understandable. I Got a Cheat Skill 5 builds up Yuuya’s helplessness as he watches his friend and master, the Deity of Kicks, take a beating from someone who enjoys toying with others. His unleashed fury is chilling to witness. But it’s also wildly entertainig. While there are a lot of fun moments, this fight—if you can call it that—is the most exciting out of the series so far. 

I Got a Cheat Skill 5 still delivers entertainment. The fights and how everyone gravitates to Yuuya keep it sweet and fun. But it’s about time they gave Yuuya more than the “good guy through and through” character. The volume is a page-turner with new opponents, abilities, and evil nestled inside him. I Got a Cheat Skill 5 is overpowered hilarity, opening many possibilities for what’s next. 

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