Silent Hill f Trailer Is an Exciting And Frightening Look

Silent Hill f trailer still of Hinako looking scared with a dimly lit candle showing her face.

The Silent Hill f trailer feels like watching a trailer for a horror movie. So that means lights off when playing. At least, they will be off for me. Plus, the trailer makes me recall all sorts of chilling horror films that kept me up, such as Juon and One Missed Call, but with a blend of Fatal Frame games, particularly the second installment, Crimson Butterfly. Creator Konami has been in the game for years, creating iconic action games like Contra and, later, the superhit Metal Gear Solid series. 

Still, it’s unfortunate there is no actual gameplay in the Silent Hill f trailer. However, that doesn’t mean I won’t look for this when it comes out. Besides all of that, Ryukishi07 crafts the story of Hinako. Don’t know who Ryukishi07 is? They made one of the most horrifying, shocking, yet compelling stories that became an equally stunning anime for horror fans: Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni. No Silent Hill game would be complete without Akira Yamaoka composing the music—Silent Hill 3 is peak soundtrack for the series. 

Silent Hill f trailer from Playstation via YouTube.

Silent Hill f trailer shows a confusing yet chilling spiral as the fog consumes Shimizu Hinako’s town, Ebisugaoka. She must piece together what’s happening while fighting grotesque monsters. As the trailer unfolds, we wonder what happened with Hinako and her friends. The opening teases that something went wrong with their friendship. Plus, a voice states that Hinako is dead. However, that’s the character gamers will play. It’s a period piece, taking place in 1960s Japan in a secluded town—all the trappings for a frightening horror game. The Silent Hill f trailer gives so little away while amplifying terror with peeling flesh and creepy creatures.  

What do you think of the trailer for Silent Hill f

Silent Hill f release date is TBA.

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