IF Is Mired in Mess, But Still An Adorable Time

IF still of Cailey Fleming dancing.

IF is another entry from actor-turned-director John Krasinski, filled with standout performances, cinematography, and visual effects.

Plot/Story in IF

In IF, Bea, a young girl (Cailey Fleming) discovers the existence of I.Fs (or Imaginary Friends). Upon realizing that she’s the only one that can see them, Bea joins forces with her neighbor Cal (Ryan Reynolds) to reunite them with their forgotten kids. All the while, Bea rediscovers her creativity and reconnects with her childhood past.

IF is Messy, But Sweet

IF still of Ryan Reynolds and Director John Krasinski.
Ryan Reynolds and Director John Krasinski on the set of Paramount Pictures’ “IF.” Courtesy of Paramount Pictures.

The third film from actor turned writer/director John Krasinski, this marks a departure from the horror-centric Quiet Place films. Instead, IF is more akin to a Pixar or Studio Ghilbi film. One that was clearly intentional from the start. In an interview with the site Digital Spy, Krasinski elaborates on this point saying that: “Clearly, I think Pixar movies are brilliant. They’re bringing us through incredible stories and emotional journeys for years and years.” What this results in, is Krasinski and company crafting a sweet tale about reconnecting with your youth, by extension, your imagination and creativity.

IF still of Director John Krasinski holding a stuffed unicorn.
Director John Krasinski on the set of Paramount Pictures’ “IF.” Courtesy of Paramount Pictures.

Seamless Cinematography & CG

Amplified by director of photography Janusz Kaminski’s cinematography, Kaminski lights it with a modern, yet feasible awareness, matching the setting of the film. This is important, especially as the cinematography matches well with the CG elements of the film. Moreover, with the help of British VFX company Framestore, many of the CGI characters (particularly the I.Fs) have a ton of variety. Thus, making them stand out more. Furthermore, the score by composer Michael Giacchino also accompanies this variety. The composer provides a mixture of soft melodies and large trumpets. In turn, this gives the film a sense of melancholy and longing.

IF still of Director John Krasinski walking away from Ryan Reynolds.
Ryan Reynolds and Director John Krasinski on the set of Paramount Pictures’ “IF.” Courtesy of Paramount Pictures.

When it comes to the film’s live-action elements, production designer Jess Gouncher develops a sense of structure. An example of this, is when the characters are traveling outdoors. But, when the film’s characters occupy an indoor setting, the sense of structure feels rather limited. The limitedness also extends to the film’s pacing. Editors Andy Canny and Christopher Rosse bring the film in at a quick and reasonable one hour and forty-four minutes. But, this comes at the cost of the first half, which feels a bit messy and slow. Nevertheless, this is fixed by the second half. As a result, it makes up for the slow and messy first half.

Performances in IF

IF still of Ryan Reynolds and Cailey Fleming.
Ryan Reynolds and Cailey Fleming star in Paramount Pictures’ “IF.” Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

When it comes to the performances, across the board, the cast delivers solid work. When it comes to the live-action elements, Cailey Fleming and Ryan Reynolds take up most of the screen-time. Both of them bring their own sensibilities to their respective roles, with Fleming bouncing off Reynolds’ charisma seamlessly. Additionally, Fiona Shaw shines in her limited role as Bea’s grandmother with Shaw bringing a lot of pathos and depth. Regarding the voice cast, the standout is Steve Carrell. Carrell balances being a large goofball, while not over extending himself into annoyance.


IF still of Ryan Reynolds, Cailey Fleming, and Louis Gossett Jr. all sit down at a table.
Ryan Reynolds (Cal), Cailey Fleming (Bea) and Louis Gossett Jr. (Lewis) star in Paramount Pictures’ “IF.” Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Despite a bit of messiness with the pacing, Krasinski and company manages to craft a Pixar-esque movie with IF. One that delivers a sweet tale about reconnecting with your youth. This is amplified by the film’s cinematography, score, and visual effects. Likewise, the film’s cast, live-action and animation, manage to deliver solid performances. All in all, IF manages to be a sweet time at the movies.

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