Reign of the Seven Spellblades Volume VIII continues the combat league, but now there are added issues with Godfrey’s bone missing. Though the culprit is known, the reasons and location remain a mystery. Oliver and his friends partnered with Godfrey’s group to recover his bone. That’s going to be easier said than done. Reign of the Seven Spellblades Volume VIII keeps expanding the world, characters, and mysteries in broad and spellbinding ways.
Written by Bokuto Uno with illustrations by Ruria Miyuki and translated by Andrew Cunningham. The Yen Press light novel begins with a flashback to Cyrus Rivermoore at school six years ago. For magicians working in necromancy, I never anticipated folks carrying around coffins on their backs. Plenty of action and power is on display in this volume as different conflicts abound as the world–building continues. It’s easy to read and have favorites in this series since the characters are distinct.
Reign of the Seven Spellblades Volume VIII Has Combat League and Election Mayhem
As students choose sides to retrieve Godfrey’s bone from Rivermoore, the battle spills over into the combat league. After all, with Godfrey’s bone missing, his ether shrinks, limiting his ability to cast spells. Naturally, his groups, the Sword Roses, want to get his bone. However, an opposing group wants to make sure that doesn’t happen. That way, Godfrey’s team loses the bouts in the competition.
Often winning the matches ties into winning the election. So other people in games against Godfrey’s team and running for election want to delay the bone’s retrieval. The intricacy of the story and characters is I enjoy Reign of the Seven Spellblades Volume VIII. Nor is every character all good or evil; some factors shape their choices. Sometimes they even work toward the greater good unbeknownst to the rest.
The Series Lets Various Characters Take Center Stage

While Oliver’s entry into Kimberly is the initial focus, and his underlying plan for payback, the volumes explore other characters. In this volume, others, like Rivermoore, shine as readers learn what drives him and more about that coffin he carries on his back. In the fights, and there are plenty of them, everyone has a chance to shine. The stakes are also high and challenging with the undead.
Reign of the Seven Spellblades reminds me of Oshi No Ko. While both have an overarching vengeance quest, a lot happens in between. They also learn more about themselves as they progress. Both series immerse you in a world you want to learn more about. In this series, aside from Nanao, my favorite character is Lesedi Ingwe, whose hand-to-hand combat skill and kicks are lethal.
Reign of the Seven Spellblades Volume VIII keeps you wrapped in the characters and what’s occurring now. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget about Oliver’s plan. So much happens at Kimberly that surviving each grade presents various challenges. This volume has a faster pace, so those action fans are in for a treat. There’s a magical study for everyone and more lively characters to choose from. Reign of the Seven Spellblades Volume III is an engrossing supernatural mystery and coming-of-age series.