Amalgam Hound 1 Presents an Interesting and Hazardous Robotic Future

Amalgam Hound 1 cover of Theo and Eleven.

Amalgam Hound 1 draws complex ideas of existence into a world rebuilding from tragedy. The mystery and violent elements weave a story that feels real despite its fantastical elements.

Amalgam Hound 1 bears similarity to films like I, Robot, as a person who despises Amalgams winds up saddled with one for investigative purposes. But as Theo Starling and his newly-appointed sidekick, the child-appearing Eleven, work together, it’s clear more is at stake. To get to the bottom of the terrorist threat, they’ll need to work together, alongside the rest of his team, to uncover the danger before it destroys the nation. Amalgam Hound 1 creates a realistic world in which robotics and AI become deadly tools of war while personalizing it in a story between a man haunted by grief and a robot kid trying to learn. 

The opening of Amalgam Hound 1created by Midori Komai with illustrations by Domino Ozaki and translated by Jocelyne Allen, starts with someone, an unknown girl, and a nightmare. The Yen Press light novel paves the way for similarities to specific films. However, this world differs. It’s a world or city just regaining its footing after a war. Hence, Theo has his work cut out for him as he works in the Criminal Investigation Bureau. 

Amalgam Hound 1 Introduces a Complex World

A lot happens in Amalgam Hound 1. However, it never feels overwhelming. That’s because readers are alongside Theo and his team discovering new information about Amalgams. As they pursue an underground fight ring filled with fake Amalgams, they encounter Eleven, who works undercover. Through their investigation, readers see the hardship many faced. 

Amalgam Hound 1 cover of Theo and Eleven.
Amalgam Hound 1 cover. Courtesy of Yen Press.

After the war, opportunities to survive, let alone provide for family, were few and far between. As such, many turned to a life of crime. Yet, there is still a connectivity to readers as others became criminals after working toxic jobs and being cast aside. As Theo had no idea that Amalgans that looked like Eleven were possible, it raises questions about the government and whether someone within is getting rich selling early prototypes. 

Theo and Eleven Work Well Together

Despite Theo’s initial reservations, his interactions with Eleven reveal a deeper emotional connection Theo did not foresee. While Eleven may be an Amalgam devoid of emotions, her childlike appearance and innocence resonate with Theo. He sees his sister, whom he lost in the wars, in Eleven. So, the emotional complexity of their relationship is a vital aspect of the narrative that readers can connect with. 

As for the rest of the team, they are fine treating her like a kid. For them, it’s not complicated. Eleven looks like a kid; therefore, she’s a kid. Plus, since she does not understand certain basic things, the kid label is never too far off. That is not to say Eleven is not dangerous. She terrified a group of men driving away from a crime. For her, fear was the best component to get them to comply with her demands. 

Amalgam Hound 1 draws complex ideas of existence into a world rebuilding from tragedy. The mystery and violent elements weave a story that feels real despite its fantastical elements. That familiarity is thanks to the capitalistic system that pulverizes too many underfoot, building loss, sorrow, and, eventually, resentment. In Amalgam Hound 1, there is an understanding and sympathy thanks to how the story presents the world, creating a story that readers will continue reading. 

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