Bride of the Barrier Master 3 cranks up the comedy and action while making time for family. Hana already escaped her wretched parents. But now, Hazuki has, too, thanks to Hana. Unfortunately, their parents will not leave it at that. But despite their parents’ relentless pursuit and a new adversary unhappy about Hana’s marriage to Saku, Hana finds a way to stand her ground and help her sister. There is plenty of laughs. However, Bride of the Barrier Master 3 includes some foreboding moments that add to why Saku is not suitable for Hana.
Getting into the series, written by Kureha with cover art by Bodax and translated by Linda Liu, is challenging. The Yen Press light novel already has issues regarding their relationship and Saku applying pressure. However, this volume includes moments of downright disregard for Hana’s welfare that make readers want to scream at her to run away. Not to mention, Saku reneged on their agreement to divorce once he secured the barrier with her help.
Bride of the Barrier Master 3 Does Not Redeem Awful Parenting
While showing character depth and balancing flaws with good traits is excellent, it’s also tricky. Some people are shallow and have few redeeming qualities. Such is the case with Hana’s parents. Their disconnect is so strong that they believe demands and threats will work even with Hana and Hazuki finally leaving the house. Never mind that neither possesses power strong enough to take on any of their kids. They’re the type of evil people who create headaches because, despite no power, they always scheme and plot.

They care about their position and planned to marry their daughter Hazuki to an old man, until Hana convinced her to leave. Even then, they tried using their son, Yanagi, to bring Hazuki back. Bride of the Barrier Master 3 doesn’t shy away from showing awful people, whether it’s their parents or that scum who hurt dogs. Then, there’s Saku and what Hana goes through in this volume, on top of little pieces of dialogue that build a growing question mark regarding Saku’s character.
The Romance Is More Predatory
With each volume, Saku becomes more toxic. In Bride of the Barrier Master 3, he pressures Hana to become “a real couple.” While well-timed intrusions save her, it’s a fact that Hana is not ready, and Saku continues pestering her. Not to mention, it does not speak well of him that Hana—at first—prays to blackout, then feels like she’d be in more danger if she did.
Second, his friend, Yukizasa, hurts Hana. While it’s not Saku’s fault, why keep someone like that around? To top it off, Saku intentionally puts Hana in harm’s way without her knowledge. That she could overcome the danger does not matter. It’s his lack of concern for her that is unsettling. As the story progresses, Saku is less likable.
Bride of the Barrier Master 3 has action and hilarious moments, but Saku’s character must improve. He does not need to be perfect. However, the series needs to stop normalizing predatory, abusive traits as proof of love and romance. Hana’s still tough and caring. So, she deserves more than what Saku currently offers. While it’s still a page-turner, Bride of the Barrier Master 3 crosses the line between entertaining and frustrating too often.