Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 3 remains a fascinating story, even with uneven pacing.
Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 3 feels like a vampiric version of Sailor Moon. There is loads of drama and, of course, the awkward aftermath of Sooha inviting Heli to bite her neck. Still, aside from the awkward teen romance, there is the danger and questions about Sooha’s friend, Chris. The series takes on a lot with vampires, werewolves, Sooha, Chris, and the mysterious history of Heli and the other vampires, time locked away in an orphanage. Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 3 remains a fascinating story, even with uneven pacing.
Created by Hybe, coproduced with, and translated by Webtoon, and lettered by Chana Conley, the volume starts with blushing teenage awkwardness. As they discuss Heli and the other vampires, Sooha accepts them and realizes not all vampires prey on humans. However, there is more to both their stories and how they intertwine. Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 3 tells a grander tale than previously anticipated. The Yen Press comic maintains interest but comically feels like a broad mix of some popular series.
Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 3 Has an Uneasy Alliance
Although the werewolves and the vampires despise each other, they care about Sooha. So, they do not allow that dislike to hinder their ability to protect her. Still, this sounds more like Bella, Jacob, and Edward from Twilight. And just as Heli likes Sooha, one of the werewolves, Khan, pines for her, too. Rather than imprinting, Khan sees Sooha on a lunar eclipse. But legend says werewolves fall for the first person they see during that eclipse. The similarities are hilarious.

That’s not to say that they don’t argue with each other, but they all care about the threat coming after her. Still, it’s more entertaining than that series because Sooha’s a funny character, and seeing her show off her strength is exciting. However, the comic series must include more than leaving her a damsel awaiting rescue. Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 3 does not demonstrate Sooha’s strength, relegating her to a girl in constant need of protection.
Sailor Moon-esque
Princess and lords were not on my vampiric bingo card, but here we are. As the seven vampires finally learn the truth about their time in the orphanage, they learn about their strong attachment to Sooha. With a princess sending them to the future, it feels similar to Sailor Moon. However, their bond with Sooha runs deeper than that of Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts. It’s like they must do what Sooha says. It adds a layer explaining their behavior and inability to treat her harshly.
Although some sections of Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 3 drag, it’s still an entertaining reverse harem series, especially for those who love tales of vampires and werewolves. Aside from pacing issues, the series must do more than make Sooha a weak damsel. It negates the point of showing her physical strength, downgrading her to a cliched character unable to do for herself. Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 3 churns with some action and is a promising continuation to the series but needs to flesh out its heroine along with all the mystical men circling her.