Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 2 Is Terrific With Extra Stakes

Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 2 cover of a vampire.

Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 2 wastes no time, moving from one conflict to another. Yet, it maintains a lightness that appeals to readers.

Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 2 moves fast in comparison to other series that drag secrets out. However, it’s refreshing and speaks to the confidence the series possesses to keep readers entertained. If Sooha learns these secrets so fast, it implies even greater shocks are in store. Still, the rushed pacing disorients, lessening the impact of significant moments. However, thanks to the action, Sooha’s overall character so far, and the dynamics between vampires and werewolves, Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 2 is an explosive, if hurried, follow-up to the first volume. 

The volume, created by Hybe with Enhyphen, translated and coproduced by Webtoon, and lettered by Chana Conley, starts where the previous one left off: in the middle of a fight. The Yen Press comic Chapters 11 – 22. While Sooha and Shion struggle to fight a vampire, who is surprisingly out attacking during the day, the rest of the gang shows up and lends a hand. But this is the start of the increased danger.

Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 2 Ratchets Up Dangers

Unfortunately, the random daylight attack is not random. The vampires that cannot control their bloodlust are after Sooha. To top it off, Sooha sees her childhood friend, Chris, who died, or so she thought. In fact, his death by a vampire and the constant accusations that she is a vampire formed her hatred of vampires. Chris’s goal is to get Sooha, and he has a cavalcade of vampires to achieve it. As Sooha and Chris tie into the vampires’ mysterious past, the situation will eventually come to a head.  

Sooha’s Pull Extends to All Breeds

From the outset of the first volume, it’s evident that Sooha possesses unique qualities. Her words hold a power over vampires, rendering them incapable of disobeying her. Their relationship with her is cute, especially with the secret hybrid Solon and Heli. But this reverse harem drama added a slew of other guys to the mix for the better. Besides the vampires at Sooha’s new school, a team of werewolves at a rival school also find themselves drawn to Sooha. Thus, there’s an additional layer of conflict and intrigue in Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 2.

Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 2 cover of a vampire.
Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 2 cover. Courtesy of Yen Press.

Still, Sooha keeps unknowingly and hilariously breaking hearts and creating conflict. From her decree in Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 2 that she hates vampires to her dislike of wolves, she unknowingly dashes the guys’ hopes. Speaking of the werewolves, there are hilarious moments between them and the vampires. After Sooha receives an invite from the vampires, they grudgingly extend it to the werewolves. 

Revealing the Secret Shows Focus Shifts Elsewhere

While initially, it seemed the major secret that would unfold over time was that Sooha was unaware of her friendship with vampires. However, this volume reveals it. She also finds out in the worst way, during a post-party animal feast. So, the mystery revolves moreso around Sooha and Chris’s identities and connection to the vampires’ forgotten past. 

Dark Moon: The Blood Altar 2 wastes no time, moving from one conflict to another. Yet, it maintains a lightness that appeals to readers. What woman wouldn’t want a slew of attractive vampires and werewolves at their beck and call? Of the HYBE comicsDark Moon: The Blood Altar 2 remains the most entertaining and promising, with many sweet and tsundere characters, plenty of drama, and stakes. 

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