The Remarried Empress 5 is engrossing but in a rage-filled way as it shows abuse and toxic masculinity.
The Remarried Empress 5 ratchets up the drama to frustrating heights. Odds are more than one reader will yell and curse at the panels as things unfold. Sovieshu’s relationship with Empress Navier, although not physical, is abusive in this volume. As she points out, he’s just like his father. Because of everything that occurs, readers see a more vulnerable side to Navier as she struggles to keep her composure and figure out who she is if she is not an empress. The Remarried Empress 5 keeps readers returning to this quadrangle drama, rooting for Navier throughout.
With an original story by Alphatart, adapted by HereLee, and art by Sumpul, the volume begins with someone finally telling Emperor Sovieshu that his mistress, Rashta, had a child from a previous relationship. Translated by Webtoon and lettered by Chiho Christie, the Yen Press comic covers Episodes 59 – 71. With full-color illustrations, The Remarried Empress 5 builds up more anger toward Sovieshu. The fact that both Navier and Rashta are victims of Sovieshu’s whims increases irritation with the story, yet hopefully, at least one gets away from him.
The Remarried Empress 5 Has More Drama Than a Reality Show
Sovieshu brings all the drama yet fakes like he’s a beleaguered bystander. Even when given a chance to show some growth, Sovieshu fails miserably. He does not care that Rashta had a lover prior, but he’s upset that she kept it secret more than the fact she abandoned the child. His only concern is how it relates to him. No matter how torn he appears to be, Sovieshu is one of the most dislikable characters.

Readers will pray for his downfall in a large part of this volume. It’s bad enough to keep a mistress, but keeping her in the exact location as the wife will create trouble. On top of that, while he has a mistress, he displays jealousy when Heinrey exchanges letters with Navier. He even goes so far as to tell her that he will kill every message bird that comes to her. For animal lovers, take caution because Sovieshu does something awful and then has the nerve to gaslight her, making her reaction seem over the top. The Remarried Empress 5 is engrossing but in a rage-filled way as it shows abuse and toxic masculinity.
Navier and Rashta Both Show a Different Side
Hearing about a divorce possibility, Navier struggles to figure out who she is without the empress label. In this volume, the cool exterior falls away because of the strain her marriage takes. Sadly, she realizes she cares more for Sovieshu than she realized, as her mind flashes back to happier times. Meanwhile, Rashta shows that, despite her attitude about her abandoned child, she does love him. She hides her real emotions because she knows she’s in a precarious position as a mistress. How unfortunate that both women in The Remarried Empress 5 fault others for their plight instead of Sovieshu.
The Remarried Empress 5 is like a reality show where viewers root for the women to leave the horrid man. There’s so much plotting and manipulation, especially on Sovieshu’s part. It’s a series that’s impossible to stop because readers must know what happens to their favorites. Many more will hope Sovieshu ends up alone in exile. Thanks to plot, drama, and characters, The Remarried Empress 5 continues pulling readers in with an unrelenting grip.