Wine Ghost Goes to Hell does a great job of making everything about life in hell familiar. In fact, sans their appearances, everything functions much the same.
Wine Ghost Goes to Hell is an artistically inventive and adorable story about growth after death. The character drawings run the gamut, and their cause creates a promising world in hell. So, hopefully, this is the first in a continued series because Wine Ghost is too sweet and hilarious. Yet, there’s a lesson within its pages. Wine Ghost Goes to Hell shows a lushy ghost that’s all legs enjoying the afterlife when her friend arrives.
Created by Sage Coffey, it follows Wine Ghost in her afterlife. It even starts breaking the fourth wall, as the introduction is cut short by the ghost herself. After all, she’s awaiting a delivery. Unfortunately, what arrives is her best friend, Sebastian. While it initially feels like a blessing, his arrival soon morphs into a curse. Iron Circus Comics tale uses distinct artwork to paint a unique hell that does not look so bad.
Wine Ghost Goes to Hell Explains How Characters Look
None of the characters look the same. Wine Ghost stands atop them all in the sea of standout, memorable features. She does look like a ghost with a permanent sheet over her head. But she also has pink, hairy legs, a mouth, two giant eyes, and no arms. So, Wine Ghost floats when she’s not walking in her stylish shoes, gliding gently through the air. Her friend, Seb, looks like a yellow furball. Literally, Seb has a round, furry head. But Wine Ghost Goes to Hell has it all, it seems. But, the story explains that appearances depend on one’s sins as it’s a punishment. Still, it does not slow the people—used loosely—down.
Humorous Exploration Maturity, Strength, and Friendship
![Wine Ghost Goes to Hell cover of Wine Ghost in front of odd-shaped buildings.](
For all of Wine Ghost’s drunken attitude and even more apparent jealousy, she cares about her friends. So, while readers of Wine Ghost Goes to Hell might get the “ick” from her friend Seb, she sees a friend who needs a place to stay temporarily following his untimely death. This opens up the world and shows Seb’s domineering, full-of-himself attitude.
As they search for apartments in “the inner circle,” some flats are the size of a mouse, while others come with legs underneath and a swamp. Not only is Seb rude with his rejection, but he also clarifies that he’s looking for a place for him and Wine Ghost to live. However, he never consulted her about it.
A Look at Earthly Problems in the Next Life
Still, through it all, including Seb hooking up with a girl while they’re at a bar, Wine Ghost believes in their friendship. Wine Ghost Goes to Hell does a great job of making everything about life in hell familiar. In fact, sans their appearances, everything functions much the same. Sometimes, friends are users, manipulators, and gaslighters, and it takes a while to figure it out.
Wine Ghost is funny, and despite her loud, abrasive attitude, she’s a softy at heart. Her character is riveting and sympathetic. Wine Ghost Goes to Hell builds a unique world of all kinds of beasties in a hell that functions like the world. It’s enjoyable and makes one hope for another story about these fascinating characters in this engaging locale.