Time may be a construct, but there never seems to be enough of it, never enough hours in a day to hone your talents. I Kept Pressing The 100 Million-Year Button And Came Out On Top: The Unbeatable Reject Swordsman Volume 1—from Yutaro Shido, written by Syuichi Tsukishima, with character design by Mokyu, translation by Luke Hutton, and lettering by Arbash Mughal—solves the issue of time for Allen Rodol or “reject swordsman” to his classmates. Allen does not lack determination, but he is not a natural swordsman. He requires more time training. The 100 Million-Year Button Volume 1 sets up a story of the ultimate underdog turned undefeatable swordsman, with room for hilarity and ecchi comedy included.
The 100 Million-Year Button Volume 1 Screams Not My Momma
In this Yen Press manga, classmates bully Allen Rodol everywhere he goes at the Grand Swordcraft Academy. He takes it in stride and continues to train, even knowing he is not talented. But when a prodigy and bully, Dodriel Barton, insults his mother, labeling her “trash,” Allen—knowing how hard his mother worked to fulfill his dream to attend the academy—challenges him to a duel. Though just words, you understand. When someone sacrifices for you and is a good person, you do not want anyone insulting them. Of course, Allen frets because the terms of the duel are Dodriel apologizes if Allen wins, but if Allen loses, he leaves the academy.
Determination Can Be Genius
When an old man called the Time Hermit approaches Allen after some coaxing, Allen explains his situation. The Time Hermit offers Allen a solution. If Allen presses the button—similar to the one you see on a game show—he can train for a hundred million years in another world. Allen ignores him, pessimistic about the button’s abilities but pushes the button to humor the old man and winds up in another world. Allen can train his sword skills all alone in the world with a home and restocking fridge.
Granted, having quiet to focus on honing your craft sounds lovely. But this is a hundred million years. With no one around and no means of contacting anyone. How long can you exist alone, just you and your training, without losing it? Though 100 Million-Year Button Volume 1 downplays Allen’s struggles as years move into the thousands, it is hard to determine what stages a person would go through with that length of time. The madness could be a blip. And, as there is nothing else to do, Allen goes back to training…for a hundred million years. He returns, and no time passes in his world.
What’s Wrong With Self-Taught

Talent can be innate—a prodigy. Or, talent can come from sheer grit and determination to improve. The 100 Million-Year Button Volume 1 showcases the latter and, sometimes, more deserving character. Few gifted people would train that long; they would consider it worthless. Hell, few people could practice that long. But this world, like any other, favors pedigree, the cachet of a popular sword skill name. So, despite improving, Allen still has a ways to go before anyone believes he has talent.
A Harem Action-Comedy
The 100 Million-Year Button Volume 1 may be a harem series. After all, Allen has three girls/women circling him now. Those include two new classmates, skilled swordswomen Lia Vesteria and Rose Valencia, and the sadistically comical chairwoman of his new academy, Reia Lasnote. Allen may wish for a peaceful school life with friends, but that is not in the cards. Depending on the amount of character development, the series could shine bright.
If You Love An Underdog And Mystery
Allen’s temperament does not stand out in the series. But his underdog status makes you identify with him. Tie that with the button and Time Hermit; there is a lot you do not know. After all, the series title and opening state Allen mistakenly kept pressing the button. You want to see the price for pushing it again and again. The 100 Million-Year Button Volume 1 manga is captivating in its odd premise and teases a larger mystery you must continue reading to unravel.